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Here we share some insights and research that is useful to know as baby develops. 



Breast milk is always changing!  When baby is born, for the first 72 hours colostrum is produced which contains special immune factors to line the gut and promote healthy bacteria growth .  As babies get older mature milk also changes eg: the amount of specific proteins to fight germs in the environment increases as babies get more mobile. 


The most common reason for constipation in babies is not enough water.  There are several things you can do at home to help your constipated child, including offering lots of fluids and watching how much fibre your child eats (if they're eating solids).   


The most common reason for constipation in babies is not enough water.  There are several things you can do at home to help your constipated child, including offering lots of fluids and watching how much fibre your child eats (if they're eating solids).   


First foods

How do I know when baby is ready for solid food? After 5 months look for these things:  Able to sit up for brief periods; interested in food when you eat and grabbing at food, able to take food from a spoon with out dribbling it out; able to put objects in to her mouth.

Some of these things may come earlier - especially grabbing at food but one thing alone doesn't mean baby needs food.

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